James Patterson MasterClass Review:
Easiest Way To Creative Writing?

Last updated on: July 3, 2023, Written by:

Bill Tremlon

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James Patterson is a prolific writer. As an occasional reader familiar with some of his works like Alex Cross and the Women’s Murder Club series, I got interested in his MasterClass course. I thought if his writing class is half as good as his writing skills, I could learn a lot from him.

So I finished James Patterson’s MasterClass course to improve as a writer. I will detail my experience in this James Patterson MasterClass review for anyone interested in completing his online course.

James Patterson MasterClass Outline

You can tell how eager James Patterson is to share his writing process with his MasterClass students. The entire MasterClass thoroughly covers the journey of publishing a book, from compiling ideas to marketing your first novel. It’s an incredibly detailed course yet easy to follow at your own pace.

James Patterson MasterClass Review

James Patterson MasterClass Review In a Nutshell

⭐ Rating:9.2 ★★★★★
🥇 Category of class:Writing
📈 Suits best for:Aspiring writers and novelists
🕒 Lenght:3 hours and 31 minutes
⏳ Avg. Lesson Duration9 minutes
🛍️ Course Essentials:Laptop or pen/paper and a love for writing
💼 Complementary material:Honeymoon outline and a 65-page class guide
📚 No. of Lessons:22 lessons
🛒 Payment options:Individual / Duo / Family
💵 Price:10 – 20 $ (billed annually)
🔄 Refund policy:30-day satisfaction guarantee
🎁 Free trial:

2.Passion + Habit;
3.Raw Ideas;
6.Outlines: Part 1;
7.Outlines: Part 2;
8.Writer’s Block;
9.Creating Characters;
10.First Lines;
11.Writing Dialogue;
12.Building a Chapter;
13.Writing Suspense;
14.Ending the Book;
16.Working With A Co-Author;
17.Getting Published;
18.Book Titles and Covers;
19.Marketing The Patterson Way;
21.Personal Story;

Main Skills You’ll Learn

  • Generating book ideas;
  • Conquering writer’s block;
  • Conducting accurate research;
  • Writing outlines, chapters, and dialogue;
  • Editing and finishing a book;
  • Marketing your first book.

Is James Patterson MasterClass For Me?

James Patterson’s MasterClass is for anyone interested in writing a novel. Whether you’re entirely new to writing books or in the process of writing your second novel, you can take James Patterson’s MasterClass to learn from the bestselling author.

Our Evaluation

Total score: 9.2

James Patterson as an Instructor
Uniqueness and Freshness
Structure and Quality
Student Engagement and Retention
Value for the Money


  • A structured writing course
  • Detailed lessons, from writing to marketing
  • Easy-to-follow lessons
  • Engaging and fun teacher


  • Background noise in some lessons
  • Spoilers to Patterson’s novels

James Patterson MasterClass Teacher Review

Meet James Patterson

James Patterson is a prolific writer with countless novels published under his belt. His New York Times bestselling novels amount to 114. He currently holds the record for the most New York Times bestsellers by a single author, which is also a Guinness World Record.

Patterson’s novels are well-known among readers, making him one of the most famous writers. He’s an exemplary teacher for anyone pursuing a writing career or giving a start to writing novels.

James Patterson as a Teacher

I found James Patterson talkative and friendly. He keeps you engaged and inspired while giving great advice about fiction writing to the tiny details of marketing your first book.

Inroducion of James Patterson's MasterClass

He communicates clearly and gives writing tips in a simple manner that you can easily keep up with. You can say that he’s as natural in teaching as he is in writing – something that most writers don’t have.

About MasterClass

Since 2015, MasterClass brings 180+ online classes from top-tier instructors in almost any field. It includes pre-recorded best video lessons from masters such as Richard Branson, Martin Scorsese, Aaron Sorkin, Gordon Ramsay, and many others.

The video quality equals Hollywood movies, and every MasterClass course is carefully structured. But that’s not all. There are interactive assignments, MasterClass community activities, and an ever-growing video library to enjoy. The sheer amount of content can make it hard to begin. Cursums will help you to choose wisely.

Originality and Novelty of the Content

Learning from a writer like James Patterson is an opportunity no aspiring writer would want to miss. You can find his writing advice in his interviews, speeches at charity events, and on YouTube. As helpful as these might be, they are incomplete and unorganized – at least compared to his MasterClass.

This course is the only place to get one-on-one with him. There isn’t another platform that provides the same prospect as MasterClass. James Patterson teaches writing in a structured way in this course. James Patterson’s writing classes cover everything from writing down the first lines to book titles and covers to getting published.

As the icing on the cake, MasterClass features other writing courses. You can take an online writing class in which Dan Brown explains thriller writing or learn writing essentials with Malcolm Gladwell, for example. This adds a huge value to MasterClass, making it the platform with the best online courses for writers.

Content and Structure of the James Patterson MasterClass

James Patterson’s MasterClass has structured video lessons no longer than 14 minutes. There are 22 lessons with an average duration of 9 minutes. You can finish his writing MasterClass in 3 hours and 31 minutes. 

There’s a 65-page class guide with many assignments in addition to the lessons. The assignments range from using your five senses to write scenes to act as one of James Patterson’s co-authors. These assignments are fun and build on what James shows throughout his MasterClass.

The following is my breakdown of James Patterson’s MasterClass. It can help you plan the course if you want to complete assignments and take your own notes before diving into a new subject.

Advice for Writers

1-5 Lessons Summary

James Patterson starts his writing MasterClass with a joke – saying ”Hi, I’m Stephen King.” He follows it up by saying his course will be jokey at times but James hopes that you will learn the tricks and traits of being a good writer.

Before teaching writing, James Patterson gives plenty of life advice to writers, encouraging beginners to believe in themselves. 

James Patterson talks about making writing a habit

This encouragement prepares the third lesson: Raw Ideas. James Patterson gives tips on how you can tell if an idea is worthy to write a book about and ways to generate story ideas.

The next lesson in this chapter, Plot, is connected to the book ideas lesson. James goes in-depth in this lesson, teaching valuable information any thriller writer should listen carefully. He ends this section with research tips and how he incorporates it into his writing.

The Writing Process 

6-9 Lessons Summary

For James Patterson, outlines are the skeleton of a book. He dedicates the sixth and seventh lessons to writing outlines, covering what they should include and improving an outline. In this part of his MasterClass, he shares the never seen Honeymoon outline and gives examples.

Before the next chapter, James touches on writer’s block and creating characters – referring to the blank page as the enemy. He gives tips on overcoming writer’s block and encourages writers to take breaks when necessary.

James Patterson explains his writing process on MasterClass

You see more of James Patterson’s writing style in the last lesson while making vital points on creating a character. For James, creating a complex character is the key, whether they are the hero or the villain. He also shows how vital it is to create important secondary characters, giving Nana Mama – Alex Cross’ grandmother as an example.

Writing Dialogue, Building Chapters, and Keeping Your Reader Invested

10-14 Lessons Summary

James starts this section with the importance of the first lines. For him, the first lines give writers an advantage to pull readers into their books. James transitions to writing dialogue and explains how to reveal a character through dialogue and move the story forward.

Review of James Patterson's MasterClass: Expert advice on crafting compelling first sentences.

James then teaches how to write chapters that will keep readers hooked. He gives examples of what makes a great chapter from the Women’s Murder Club series. These lessons on chapters eventually prepare you to add suspense to your dialogue to keep readers invested in your book and the main character. 

James Patterson closes this section by saying the ending is hugely important. It’s what the reader is left with and what they spread about your book. James encourages writers to think of alternate endings and choose the one that makes the most sense – his secret to writing great endings.

Editing and Publishing Your Book

15-17 Lessons Summary

James starts his editing lessons by encouraging writers to rewrite constantly. He adds that he does countless drafts and rewrites constantly to improve the story. Patterson provides tips on editing, such as removing distractions and staying positive throughout the editing process.

Review of James Patterson's MasterClass: Mastering the art of collaborative writing with a co-author.

He then invites co-authors from his books and teaches the essentials of working with a co-author. These lessons cover finding a co-author that reflects your own work to effectively communicate with them. The format of this lesson in this chapter is excellent for anyone planning to collaborate on a book.

This chapter ends with becoming a published author by getting your first book published. James talks about his previous mistakes, sending query letters, and what publishers want from young writers.

Marketing Your Book and Closing

18-22 Lessons Summary

Although the first lesson in this section, Book Titles And Covers, is more related to finishing and publishing a book, James explains that the title and the cover are crucial parts of marketing. He says readers judge books by their covers and shares his tips while giving examples from his books.

Review of James Patterson's MasterClass: Invaluable guidance on the art of book writing.

This lesson paves the way for the marketing lesson. James talks about the use of social media, branding yourself, and advertising as means for marketing a book.

Before James shares his journey to becoming the writer he is today and closes his MasterClass with encouraging words. He also explains how books get adapted to the big screen and jokingly warns writers about Hollywood.

Fast-Track Lesson Plan

Finish James Patterson MasterClass in 1 hour, 55 minutes, and 6 seconds.

2.Passion + Habit08:37
6.Outlines: Part 109:38
7.Outlines: Part 205:44
8.Writer’s Block10:26
10.First Lines09:41
11.Writing Dialogue10:21
13.Writing Suspense10:21
17.Getting Published11:12
18.Book Titles and Cover06:08

James Patterson MasterClass Student Engagement and Retention

James Patterson is an excellent teacher. My fellow students who finished his MasterClass agree on this, as well as other James Patterson MasterClass reviews. He teaches everything in a simple and friendly manner as if he’s reminiscing about his early days writing Thomas Berryman Number, his first novel.

Throughout James Patterson’s MasterClass, you will hear him cracking jokes while giving insightful advice. I never once felt bored or disconnected watching his video lessons. 

The assignments from the 65-page workbook are also engaging. Whether you’re an aspiring author or it’s been a while since you’ve started writing, you will enjoy his MasterClass as I did.

One of the best parts about James Patterson’s MasterClass is you don’t need to watch further lessons as you learn. You can make notes about his writing process, editing, and publishing, and start writing right away.

My Firsthand Experience With James Patterson’s MasterClass

What I liked About James Patterson MasterClass

Effective Lesson Structure

The lesson structure of James Patterson’s MasterClass follows a strategic approach. He starts with the essentials every writer must have. These lessons build the foundation for what comes next – writing, editing, finishing, and marketing your book. This lesson structure is effective in teaching everything you need to know on your journey to becoming a successful author.

Detailed Lessons

James Patterson’s writing lessons often dive deep into subjects that other writing classes often fail to cover. He also does a pretty good job teaching the ins and outs of writing a novel thoroughly in the shortest amount of time, making them highly effective.

Tips for Different Genres

Although James Patterson is known for his mystery and thriller novels, he also touches on different genres. You will often hear him talk about writing dialogue and building chapters that work in other genres. Even if you’re an experienced writer in a different genre than James Patterson, dramatic writing, for example, you can learn a trick or two from his MasterClass. However if you are more interested in exploring a narrower niche, consider Television writer’s Shonda Rhimes’ MasterClass, where she teaches television production.

A Concise MasterClass

James Patterson’s MasterClass is three and a half hours long. Compared to other writing courses on MasterClass, it’s a bit shorter thanks to Patterson condensing everything and getting right to the point. You can take James Patterson’s MasterClass and learn as much as another but longer writing course.

What I Didn’t Like about James Patterson MasterClass

Background noise

There are some parts of James Patterson MasterClass where the audio is interrupted by background noise. This is more apparent in the earlier lessons. You can notice cars honking, the faded conversation of passersby from the window, and more. This part I didn’t like isn’t something James Patterson MasterClass reviews talk about, but you’ll notice it if you listen carefully.

Unsynchronized subtitles

There were some lessons where the subtitles weren’t in sync with the audio. I noticed this when watching the lessons excluded in the fast-track lesson plan at 1.5x speed. 

These aren’t things related to what the best-selling author teaches. So I was reluctant to include them in my James Patterson Masterclass review. Nonetheless, some of you may also find them irritating as that was the case for me.

Is James Patterson MasterClass a Good purchase?

Price of James Patterson MasterClass

To watch James Patterson’s MasterClass, you will need a MasterClass subscription. You could purchase the whole course in the past, but MasterClass decided on a subscription-based payment model. MasterClass prices starts for as little as $10 or pay more to unlock more simultaneous streams.

Since James Patterson’s MasterClass is a detailed course that covers everything from generating story ideas to marketing your first book, it’s definitely worth the annual MasterClass subscription.

Individual (one device)$10 per month
Duo (two devices)$15 per month
Family (six devices)$20 per month

Plus, there’s more than James Patterson writing course on MasterClass. There’s the creative writing course by Margaret Atwood, Aaron Sorkin’s writing course, and much more. With these, MasterClass offers so much more value than the mere $10 a month.

Does the Class Live Up to the Hype?

I recommend James Patterson’s MasterClass to anyone who wants to start writing a novel. It’s a course that won’t disappoint you. Even if this course is the only reason you’re signing up for MasterClass, it’s likely to go beyond expectations. It’s a course writers shouldn’t doubt investing time and money in.

James Patterson MasterClass: Ratings from Around the Web

Here’s an experienced writer loving James Patterson’s MasterClass for developing characters and writing outlines.

James Patterson Masterclass Review on Facebook

The New York Times reported that Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law, took James Patterson’s MasterClass to sharpen up his writing skills before writing his memoir.

A Twitter user agrees with my James Patterson MasterClass review, finding him passionate and engaging.

A Twitter user agrees with my James Patterson MasterClass review, finding him passionate and engaging.

James Patterson Masterclass Review on Twitter

Although most of his students find his MasterClass to be extremely beneficial, not everyone agrees. Here’s a “Reddit user finding it an “alright” course – finding the course falling below their expectations.

James Patterson Masterclass Review on Reddit

Essentials Used in the James Patterson MasterClass

As a writing course, the only essential you need to start Patterson’s MasterClass is a place to write. Whether it be a laptop or pen and paper, you’re ready as long as you’re willing to learn and write.

Courses Similar to James Patterson MasterClass

Other Writing Courses on MasterClass

MasterClass Competitors


Udemy is one of the most popular online learning providers, with a massive choice of writing classes. I recommend looking into Udemy’s Creative Writing Masterclass is a great practical guide on writers’ motivations, grammar, style, publishing, and more.


Coursera is another big name in the online courses market, with quite a few on writing. Their Creative Writing Specialization delivered by professors from Wesleyan University even includes a certificate of completion.


Skillshare usually focuses on more practical courses, but their Storytelling 101 course is really compelling and conveniently breaks down storytelling into “4 C’s”. The material is as enjoyable as it is useful.

James Patterson MasterClass: FAQ

Yes! James Patterson goes in-depth on the writing process of a novel, covering writing dialogue, building chapters, and much more. He’s an effective teacher with a friendly teaching style that teaches novice writers how to write a compelling character, chapter, and a novel overall.

From the $10 basic subscription to the $20 family plan paid monthly (billed annually), the cost is nothing compared to the value you get. His teachings are definitely worth the annual subscription. While you learn writing, you can also watch the courses of Serena Williams, Steph Curry, Gordon Ramsey, and many more celebrities.

James Patterson’s MasterClass is 3 hours and 31 minutes long. If you’re in a hurry, plan your learning with my fast-track lesson plan above to finish the course in 1 hour and 55 minutes. 

MasterClass requires a subscription to watch James Patterson’s MasterClass and other courses on the platform. Luckily, MasterClass has a 30-day cancellation policy where you can get a full refund. This makes up for the lack of a free trial.

Author: Bill Tremlon

Blogger | Life-long learner

Bill Tremlon

I’ve spent the last ten years passionately studying various online learning platforms. Udemy, MasterClass, Coursera, and Skillshare are the main ones, but I review lesser-known study tools as well. I test and analyze each course and lesson thoroughly before sharing my research.



James Patterson’s MasterClass: Unmissable for aspiring novelists.

Author: Bill Tremlon

Blogger | Life-long learner

Bill Tremlon